Home Projects You Ought To Do Now To Avoid Costly Repairs
It’s all too easy to forget about winter once the snow has melted and we’ve turned on our air conditioning. But it’s important to remember that winter always comes back. Today may be the best time to get in some home projects to avoid costly repairs tomorrow.
What types of home projects are ideal to work on when the weather is still ideal? Here we’ve compiled some of the most common home projects and installations you’ll want to address before the summer heat starts to cool back down.
Siding replacements
There are up to 15 different types of siding for your home, and it’s crucial to find a type of siding that not only works for your house aesthetically but also functionally. Your siding, like your roof, is designed to help keep moisture and other elements away from your home’s interior.
If you’ve started to notice your siding is damaged and needs more than a minor repair, it might be a good idea to consider a siding replacement while the weather is warm and dry. The last thing you want is to deal with drafts and wall rot during the winter months because moisture has made its way inside your insulation.
Roof installations
Speaking of keeping moisture and the elements away, you may have noticed that many homeowners have their roofs installed or replaced during the summer and fall months. This is because roof installations are less dangerous during this time and you don’t have to worry about snow, ice, and hail.
Roof installations and repairs are also best for the summer and fall months because it ensures your roof is ready to take on that snow, ice, and hail once winter arrives.
Exterior paint jobs
Have you noticed your home’s paint is starting to peel from age? Or the exterior color just isn’t cutting it for you anymore? Early summer and early fall are great for exterior paint jobs because of the ideal weather conditions.
There’s minimal rain and minimal fluctuations in temperature between daylight and evening hours. This ensures your home’s paint is applied smoothly and dries and cures properly.
Looking for siding installers or roof installation services?
Summer and fall are some of the best times of the year to have your siding replaced and new roofs installed. In fact, cedar siding can last up to 75 years if properly maintained.
If you’re looking to complete home projects this year, now’s the time to do it and Side Pro can help. To learn more about cedar siding replacements or for more information about our roof installation and exterior painting services, contact Side Pro today.